Serve With a Grateful Heart

Hello, Warrior in Christ

I am so excited and beyond happy to share another post with you.
I was blessed to be part of our youth camp
 (Next Generation Church.)
Which has empowered and encouraged me, therefore I want to encourage someone and share ideas on the power of serving and doing this with a grateful heart.

Sometimes, I believe as individuals we do not appreciate the circumstances we are in because, we want God to do more in our lives, but we need to realise that there is no test without a testimony. We need to go through Highs and Lows before we get to our end destination.
We serve in the house of God not be acknowledged by others, but to glorify God.
And I believe we ought to do this with a grateful heart. Whether you're part of the ushering department, Praise and Worship team, Media team etc, you need to do it to the best of your ability.
/Psalm 100:2/ ''Serve the LORD with gladness; Come before His presence with singing.''

As young people, we are privileged to be instruments in the
House of God for the next generation. We are laying a foundation that can be built on. We must serve with joy and excitement. I love this song ''Better is one Day.'' Being under his covering for one day can move you to another level in life.  Serving in God's house gives you so many opportunities and opens a lot of doors that the outside world can't offer.

First and foremost, you need to understand who you are serving in order to do it with gladness. The excitement that a little child gets from going to a toy store is unbelievable, but when it comes to us going to the house of God sometimes seems like a burden. Which shouldn't be the case at all listen; It's an honour to arrange the chairs, it's an honour to sing for his people, it's an honour to clean the toilets, It's an honour to look after the children in Sunday school under his covering.
/1Pe 1:8/ ''You love him even though you have never seen him. Though you do not see him, you trust him; and even now you are happy with a glorious, inexpressible joy.''

Have that personal relationship with him, pray to him each and every day to make sure you create that bond. God is your heavenly father,  he is the father of all Nations! You are beyond privileged to call him your God because he has won the victory over everything. /The God who turned water into wine/The God who opened the eyes of the blind/ The God who made the earth/ The God who healed the sick/ The God who spoke and it was done - I can go on and on.

We all need to be united in order for God's presence to dwell amongst us, /Eph 4:3/ ''Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.''  We need to set an example for our generation and the next by loving each other and promoting his kingdom. Each person brings an important element to the table when serving God. We serve God in various areas, God gave us special gifts to contribute to our community. You need to find significance in sharing your gifts. There are no useless parts. Every member is important in the Body of Christ. Each body part performs a special function and so do we in the body of Christ. We all need to ensure that we work together in order for the body to function properly.

In hard times and trouble, times seek God and serve him. Don't wait until you get promoted before you start serving, and stop after your life elevator get's stuck for a second. God wants to see us prosper and bear fruit. We need to sow into the kingdom of God and this can also be done through serving. Through serving a lot of benefits and positive energy will be drawn to you. Reward, healing and blessing will be your portion
Be a humble servant, walk with Christ in love. Wherever God places you in his Kingdom keep on serving. You will graduate soon and when you do remember God! Your serving is preparing you for your testimony.

Lots of Love,



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