Humility connects you to your destiny helpers

Hi Everyone,

I haven't blogged in ages due to exams, I have a week off so I decided to share a blog post.
I believe we are all created for God's divine plan. And we all have a purpose to fulfil in order for his plan to be established. Sometimes as human beings, we go through rough stages in our lives and  we are not sure whether God is actually listening to our prayers. Let's just be honest. We feel like he has brought us to a certain stage just to leave us there in order for us to figure it out by ourselves.

But that's not true, sometimes God places us in situations because he is working on our patience. There is always a test in a certain situation that will lead you to your testimony. Many of us, want quick miracles and want God to hurry up because in our minds we are running out of time. 
God takes us through the season of wilderness just to make sure we keep our focus on him. It is easy to trust him when things are going your way, but the real test comes when every secure wall you built is breaking down. What do you do? 

You just stay humble and stay connected to God, stay humble, stay humble. God gives grace to the humble.  Proverbs 16:18 says, “Pride goes before destruction; and a haughty spirit before a fall.” We need to understand that God doesn't need us to fulfil his purpose, it's rather you that needs him for your salvation. God can use your situation to bring you up when you are humble. But, he can use that same situation to bring you down when you have pride. You are humble, when you know who you are in God's light, you know without him you wouldn't be where you are at the moment. It is all because of his grace. When God blesses you stay humble, when you are in tough situations stay humble. 

If you are humble before God, you will be humble before others and when God sees this he will connect you to your destiny helpers. He will touch their heart to help you in the mist of your wilderness. That's why some people won't understand why others are moving forward and being blessed it's because they have a humble spirit. You don't gain anything from being proud, but you'll rather be distracted from God and that's when the devil enjoys being around you because you are not as devoted to your maker as you should be. 

Let's look at the story of Ruth and Naomi. Humbleness takes the grace of God. As we all know Ruth in the bible she was a poor foreign woman in a strange land. She listened to the advice of an older, wiser woman named Naomi. She was humble enough to ask for advice and seek guidance from Naomi. Some of us would not have reacted like Ruth we would have acted like we know everything and we're better off without destiny helpers. Don't! Don't be like Orpah...
Both Ruth and Orpah had been connected to Naomi but the difference is that Ruth stayed humble and followed. She moved forward into her destiny, but Orpah went back into destruction by separating herself. Ruth said to Naomi, '' Thy God shall be My God'' she was determined to walk into her destiny with a positive attitude even though she didn't have much. She was humble before God and this showed in her service to Naomi. Ruth truimphed over misfortune the moment she followed Naomi to her People. 

God connected Ruth to Naomi and moved Ruth from her problems to prosperity. Ruth pledged her loyalty to Naomi and in Ruth 2:3 ''So Ruth went out to gather grain behind the harvesters. And as it happened, she found herself working in a field that belonged to Boaz'' I just want to look at the phrase ''as it happened'' Something happened when Ruth started walking with Naomi it was because of her humbleness. God was working all this while, and Ruth's humbleness speeded up the procedure because God saw her commitment. God was setting the scene for something significant to take place. If Ruth listened or followed Orpah she would have missed her chance. But because she followed the ''old widowed lady'' who in Orpah's sight didn't have anything to offer helped someone to become A Wife,  Mother and  Great GrandMother of King David. 

Be Humble, and God will lift you up. Your situation doesn't define your outcome. Know that God is working on a plan for your life. 
Your humbleness will connect you to the Eagles God has destined you to be around.

Stay Blessed


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