High Heels & Heavenly Standards

Hello Everyone,

I would like this opportunity to thank everyone who has supported me on my blogging journey.

Today I would like to speak directly to the young ladies. 

Whenever I talk to young girls / ladies I get really passionate because, I want them to understand how precious they are. In the dictionary a lady is '' A woman of high social standing or refinement, especially when viewed as dignified or well-mannered'' but, as a lady in Christ you have acquired additional characteristics that stand out; you were chosen by God for he said to Jeremiah in Jeremiah 5:1 |''Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee''| Every young girl will become a woman but being a Lady is a personal choice and especially when you are a lady in Christ. As a Lady you need to be careful who you spend your time with, you can't be spending your time with people that won't compliment your heavenly assignment. Let me explain that; the enemy can bring certain people around you who are just there to sway you and toss you round until you forget your original source in life the maker of heaven and earth. They do not care about you, your purpose or goals in Christ. Their assignment is for you to stumble and fall. Inorder to identify these people you need to be connected to your source in life. You need to know the word, read it and apply it. Being a lady in Christ is not easy but in the end there is a great reward. 

You are a duplicate of the |Proverbs 31| woman. She is a lady in Christ full of happiness, she is wise  and strong. These characteristics are difficult to find in a woman, but as a woman of God you need to develop yourself in these areas. This journey called life will not always be easy, but with Christ there is joy. Educate yourself in order to be an example to the younger generation of upcoming ladies. There are little girls out there who need a mentor and you can't be a mentor if you are not leading by example. You need to have a teachable spirit and strive for change. Anytime your spiritual mentors encourage you to change certain characteristics be willing and ready to do so. Humble yourself before others. Jesus served people in order to lead thousands of people. As a young woman in Christ others will say hurtful things about you, but don't let that put you down. Let them know that you are a woman of difference. You are a Queen in your father's kingdom; it's not every battle that needs to be fought. Fight through prayer instead and let your request be known unto God. 
Matthew 11:28 |''Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.'' |

The Song God in me by Mary Mary sumps it all up for me. A woman that get's behind close doors and continually prays. His blessings will start overflowing God will reward your quiet time openly. Be ready for his breakthrough. As a young lady in Christ you are blessed and highly favoured ; you are a classy treasure ; a pearl under the sea. Strive to be a woman that takes pride in the way she presents herself. Be graceful and elegant let nations see his kindness when they look into your eyes. Let those around you speak well of you.

Be a patient young lady. Sometimes God connects us to certain people inorder for us to equip ourselves and come out stronger and better than we were before. Don't be eager to speak without listening; know how to communicate with those around you. Strive to fly with eagles and leave the chickens behind, for some people won't benefit you in life they are only there to cause destruction. God knows you are his daughter and as long as you stay connected to him you will never and never fail in life.

 Always make God the foundation and conceal arguments with love.

I will leave you with this last scripture: 
Matthew 5:16  |''In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.''|


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