Our Journey

Everyone knows the saying "Life is a journey." And it's the only thing that can keep you going. We as human beings like giving up on things, when we haven't even reached half of the journey. Each individual that has a mission to accomplish, must walk the walk inorder to complete the journey. You can't expect someone else to complete the journey for you because, everyone is unique. Christ appointed all of us to be purpose driven. We need to find ourselves inorder to recandle our purpose. The journey is not easy... as we all walk by faith but not by sight. Often we want a confirmation before embarking the journey but sometimes we need to step in with faith and reassure ourselves that with God all things are possible. 'I'm going to walk in boldness & accomplish my goal.'

Obstacles will come & you might not believe in yourself but if God is for you who can be against you? 

Think about it... Did you ever think that You would never come out of a certain situation when you actually came out  stronger? Did you feel weak but at a certain point you suprisingly had the strenght to overcome? You're not alone God is watching your every step.


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