Lord knows

Hai Blogga.

Lord knows where you live. He knows why you live there. He knows when you were formed in your mothers womb. He knows your greatgrandparents. He knows your past and future. He knows your capacity. He knows all about your struggle. He knew one day one day you would have to move to another city/country. God is a jealous and perfect God. He won't do something that would hurt you. He wants you to know that he is God. And you need to believe and trust. Because without Faith it is impossible to please God. The Lord himself will place challenges in your life. He will also help you to survive. There is no testimony without a battle. Everyone goes through struggles education.family.lovedones.physical and spiritual. No one gets it easy at the end of your battle field he wants you to be hapy and understand! That he is God keep your head up high. Im starting a new chapter in my life and im not yet there. But I will face it and overcome. Come what may but the bible says don't cray! 

Be blessed! xx 


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