You need to change your mindset

My Beloved,
Haven't blogged in ages...
I've been busy with a lot, been too tight but we thank God that I'm back.
Did my exams,
But anyway, just wanted to encourage you guys.
I've been through exams and to be honest I thought I would not be able to make it.
Because, I moved from another country it was extra difficult to catch up with everything.
but by his grace I did and finally I'm done (for now).
During this trial I had to focus on the Lord and believe that whatsoever would come on that exam paper I would be able to conquer it.
Ofcourse it was hard because during this trial a lot of thoughts will come into your mind.
And especially when you're really weak and vunerable at that moment.
I thought to myself but if God rescued the Israelites how much more me? A single person...
Just to let you know, God is our heavenly father and assigned Jesus to come on this earth as a human being to set us straight. But due to our foolishness we did not believe that he was and is the messiah. Instead of that we crucified him...
However God still forgave us our sins that we committed against him and each other.
This shows us that the Lord really loves us. ( he made us)
Unconditional love is shown...
And even during your problems, issues and trials he is there to support but we need to be willing to receive.
And being able to receive means changing your mind-set. As a person you need to change your mind-set and meditate on his word. Have some quality time with your heavenly father. If you're angry of bitter you can't receive his goodness because, all you see is negativity.
Going into that exam room I had to change my negative mind-set of failure.
Into the positive mind-set of passing. Say a prayer before going into that exam hall and believe deep in your heart that he will take control of everything.
So, there is a price to pay in order to receive ,

Stay Tuned...


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