To Trust

As Christians, we often find it difficult to trust the people around us due to past experiences such as disapointment,hurt etc. Eventhough they may have played a positive role in your life their lack of commitment in your life has caused disapointment which has led you to not trust them.

Trust is an emotional subject as this is where you are exposing your naked truth to another individual. You have made up in your mind to trust this person without any sprinkle of doubt. The moment you trust someone, you get to a position where you can either lose something or gain something. You can either gain more trust or be disapointed. With trust, you can exchange your nakedness for someone's confidentiality. As you are trusting and hoping that they will see your nakedness or vulnerability and not take advantage of this particular aspect in your life. 

In most relationships people put emphasis on trust as it plays a big role in human communication. Most people believe if they can put their trust in one individual the person will not disapoint them. 
The moment you trust an individual you can say they have an upper hand as you share all your secrets and deep moments with them however, you are never guaranteed a long lasting relationship. In most relationships, disapointment is what makes the relationship waver as one person may trust the other a bit too much which can cause disapointment as the other did not see them in the way they saw the other. 

In the book of Proverbs 3:5 it clearly says Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.” The Word trust here means to give your all and not to withdraw yourself from God. If we trust individuals it means we are trusting our own understanding hoping or desiring that these individuals will also trust us. But the moment we focus and trust, God we are guarenteed a safety blanket for our nakedness. As God himself is the author of our Faith and knows the beginning from the end. Trusting God will enable you to avoid disapointments and have a solid resting place for all your secrets. People will expose your nakedness but God will cover you..  

1. You can trust God by crying out to him. This is where you have your own quiet time making sure that you make your vision plain unto God. Rededicating all your heart desires and plans unto the Most High and leaving it in his hand with full assurance. 
Proverbs 3:6 ''in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight'' 

2. You can trust God by running from evil. A lot can hinder your relationship with God and sometimes we have to exclude ourselves from certain environments in order for us to strengthen our relationship and fully trust God in the process.

3. You trust God by putting him first in all your doings. When something good happens you can take all the glory for yourself, however when the storms come you can't refer back to God as he was not in the situation. By putting God first you have dedicated everything to him and have made him the author and finisher of your faith. 

There are alot of ways in which you can trust God, however these are methods in which you can fully plan your life according to the will of God trusting that he will fulfill all your heart desires. 

Stay Blessed & Stay Sound

Tracy A.

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