Time to Inspire Featuring Zoe Kpodo

Zoe is a University Student buzzing with energy for God's Kingdom. She drives all the way from Midlands to London to attend our Youth Church. God is really using her as a tool to inspire others around her including me. 
Keep on reading and be Inspired. 

I was born into a Christian home where going to church and reading the Bible was the norm. By the grace of God, my parents have been blessed and done well so I never really saw lack growing up, was educated in private school and lived in nice homes. 

However, at the age of 16, I was struck by the spirit of depression - who brought along anxiety, insomnia, low self-esteem and many insecurities. As I went through sixth form, the problems got worse and began to put a strain on my relationship with friends and loved ones as I struggled to share what I was going through with those around me. I began to go out every now and then, and turned to alcohol whenever I did just to 'forget' everything momentarily. 

I somehow managed to get through sixth form and into university, where things went from bad to ugly. I was alone and completely isolated myself. I was in a constant state of depression and would spend days in bed and hardly ate. I was falling behind in university as I was barely attending any lectures. I decided to go to a GP who was quick to prescribe antidepressants and sleeping tablets. Though these helped, the sense of despair still remained. Going out clubbing and drinking alcohol became a way to ease the pain. At this point, I had completely abandoned going to church and really struggled to see how a loving God could exist when I was in such a low state of mind. 

In my church, 2014 was our 'Year of Total Restoration', I made a decision that I wanted to have total restoration so would at least 'try it out'. Though I had made this decision, I was still battling with the spirit of depression every single day. At the lowest point, I took an overdose of prescription medication and ended up in A&E. Following on from this, I dropped out of university and went back home. 

I began to pray, read my bible and attended church on a weekly basis. I gave my life to Christ and decided that I would find hope in God from then on. At our annual Camp Meeting, I sowed a seed - a 'Destiny Offering' - with the simple prayer request of 'No more depression'. I began to develop zeal for His house and was driving from Norwich to London to the Midlands to attend services. At one service in particular, God used one of our leaders to minister to be and pray for me for deliverance from the spirit of depression. God has used this person to be a great blessing in my life and today, he is my spiritual father.

I applied for university again, a different course at a different university. I was anxious when going as I feared a repeat of before, but I remained hopeful in Christ and declared daily that I was no longer depressed. As time went on, my self-esteem and confidence increased, I began to socialise more and wasn't so isolated and alone. I was also attending church and becoming more involved with serving in His house. 

Today, almost two years later, I can confidently say that by the grace of God - I no longer suffer from depression, anxiety or insomnia. The joy of the Lord has truly been my strength (Nehemiah 8:10). Whenever I look back and remember all the things that God has done, I'm forever grateful - where there was darkness and no hope, there is now light and a future! I would say to anyone who is suffering from depression that you do not have to accept it and endure it - John 10:10 says that Jesus came that we may enjoy life! Life cannot be enjoyed whilst depressed. Depression is a spirit which can be rebuked and cast out in the name of Jesus - Matt. 8:17 tells us that Jesus took our infirmities when He died on the cross - depression was taken, so let it go! Place your trust and hope in God and you will never ever regret it. 

Stay blessed! 


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