Time to Inspire featuring JDfitnessUK

Jamel Dietz is known for his growing fitness brand where he takes Fitness to a New Level. Installing the belief that you can conquer anything you start, fitness or non fitness related.' Where he enhances motivation and makes exercising fun. 
Keep on reading and be inspired.

Who Am I ? 
Nothing Without God, He is the reason why I am here delivering & keeping myself on the righteous journey we call success. 
My Name is Jamel Dietz, A Fitness Entrepreneur buzzing in the fitness industry many can say but I haven't even reached my peak in my opinion.  

I am the Founder of the Registered Company, Fitness Brand & Movement called JDFitnessUK. 
JDFitnessUK has been in existence since August, 2012. 
Yes Almost 4 Years. It's amazing what you can achieve when you put everything in the hands of God.  
JDFitnessUK was never a plan A but proving a fruitful successful plan indeed. 

I Created JDFitnessUK as a back up plan in case I didn't want to go university. In 4 Years going from an individual to expanding, leading a team of over 20 individuals age ranging from 19-29 is amazing. It's mind blowing because as a collective the influence we have on people is breathe taking. It hasn't been easy, nothing in life is but that's the beauty of it. It's how you deal with it is what puts you in uprising positions.
It's amazing how God works because along side having JDFitnessUK, I also went to uni about to graduate with a Bsc Forensic Science degree. How I balanced everything I honestly cannot give you a calculated answer.  

One thing I can say is ask & you shall receive, speak into existence, believe you are the greatest, be fearless and remember we are limitless. The only limit is the one we mentally create to provide an excuse to not completing.

I consistently emphasise on being fearless & having self belief on all my social platforms. 
What do you fear most ?
Failure , Not Being Successful, Wasting Time.

Fear is not real, fear cannot harm but it can shadow your true identity & change the path you are meant to be on. God has taught us not to fear [ Isaiah 41:10 | Psalm 56:3 ]

With God even when things are not going the right way. Have faith don't fear the worst because God will make it right. 

This is how self belief interlinks with being fearless. You really need to dig deep & believe.

I am who I am today because I have installed the FEARLESS Mentality. 
I believe in myself, I believe in my God & that he will take me places. 

Next year JDFitnessUK hits the 5 years Landmark & I must be honest I'm excited for the next few years of my life. WHY BECAUSE I KNOW GOD HAS A WONDERFUL PLAN FOR ME.

Stay Blessed & Stay Fit 

Jamel Dietz

Personal Twitter ; 
Twitter @JDFitnessUK 






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