His Grace


Wauw haven't blogged in ages I just wanted to share a little testimony.
I remember, one day I was so excited because I was able to buy my own laptop.
But, it kept giving me issues so I went back to the company where I bought it.
I had returned it several times and I was tired. I just wanted my money back, when I spoke to one of the sales man he said I can't refund you so you can pick any laptop in store which is 4GB like your laptop.
And even before that my eyes were transfixed on one laptop which way way above my budget.
After that I told him I've seen laptops but these are all 2GB. 
He called his manager to see if they had any in stock.
Funniest part they went EVERYWHERE on their department no 4GB laptop to be found.
The manager said we have no choice but to give you a laptop which is 8GB!

And this is the laptop my eyes were transfixed on! You would say so... It's not that deep.
Well it is!! I believe that it was God's favor .
He loves you and is ready to help you! 


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