Time to Inspire Featuring Shanade Acquaye

Shanade is 22 years of age. She is of a Jamaican heritage; married with 2 handsome boys 
and fellowships at  Mercy Sanctuary Northampton (VBCI). 
She is also a Praise & worship leader in our youth ministry NGC. 
She has a passion for ministry and enjoys leading people into God's Kingdom. 

Growing up I faced many challenges, 
My first challenege was at the age of 3 or 4 I pulled the kettle off the stove (the old time kettle) the hot water and kettle fell on my back, I was in intensive care for a long time; I have a scar that covers most of my lower back.  

      The scar on my back made me feel so insecure and asif I wasnt normal.  When I was around 8, 9ish going swimming everyone would be in cute little girl bikini's and I would always wear the swimsuit to cover my body as I felt like people would look and stare at me, I felt extremely insecure and couldn't be free how I wanted to.  The burn gave me such a complex ; I was always worrying about what people would think or say about my body.  

      When going through this, my relationship with God wasn't strong atall, I had such a lack of understanding.  Now I have come to know God, for a long time have been praying for God to take away any insecurities and help me to come out of being small minded.  I can confidently say God has truly delivered me from all these feelings I had, now I look at things differently and I'm able to relate with people who feel insecure in many different ways.

       I have a life long scar on my back (this is not a small scar), but theres more to life than putting yourself in a box, feeling low, feeling that everyone looks better than you, wanting to have a body with no marks or scars.  This is what always put me down, wanting to look a certain way but knowing that would never be me.  
      Prayer is the weapon I used for satan to stop planting seeds in my mind, and to get out of the mindset satan wanted me in.  

My second challenge, 
At the age of 8 or 9 I was blown up by a bon-fire.  I was standing in my grandad's back garden, I helped to clean the house that day and my uncle Andrew brought me a box of chocolates as a thankyou gift.  

       When I had finished the chocolates, I threw the empty roses chocolate box in the bon-fire.  After hearing (tssss.tsss) I turnd around and the bon-fire had exploded in my face, at first I couldn't feel anything, I was fine...1minute later my face started stinging and itching it quickly started burning.  
I felt I was on fire but physically you couldn't see this.

       My dad (Roger) ran out to the garden after hearing the explosion, he was shouting what happened what happened.  as I was screaming I told him my hand and face is burning , my daddy pulled me to the kitchen and ran the cold wtaer as I put my face under it.  This felt so wonderful as the burning sensation went completely when my face was under the water, when I removed my face from the cold water, the burning sensation would come back.  

       My dad thought it was quicker to drive me to the hospital in Leyton somewhere, on the way to the hospital was terrible; all I had was a very wet towel to hold on my face, but as I had the towel on my face for a while it kept going warm which was very distressing for me.  We finally got the hospital where I had to stay in the burns unit. 
       I was covered in ice the hospital staff had got together,  I was given medications to help with pain, eventually the burning pain went and my mum had arrived coming from northampton to meet me at the hospital.  I felt at ease because my mum was also with me now.  Waking up in the morning was shocking as I didn't look like me atall, big blisters all over my hands and my face I looked terrible and was told they dont know if It was superficial or permentant but only time would tell.  

       Today I standup and know that its only by God's grace that I made a fully recovery, all i'm left with is a small scar on both of my index fingers. I didn't need any skin graphs or any operations.  I thank God everyday for my life.  For those of you that know me probabaly haven't heard my story before, but looking at me now you would never think I was blown up by a bon-fire.  
       My mum had pictures of my burns on her very old samsung phone however this phone broke and we lost the pictures.  

But this is how I look today and I give all glory to the most high God as its only by his 

  There's more stories I have to do with fire; but I have realised that fire is a reoccuring issue in my family.  My grandma also lost 3 of her kids in a fire.  
Once aswell when I was younger I set my hair on fire; looking back a normal person wouldn't freely do something like this.  So honestly I feel this wasn't me; because a normal person wouldnt do this.  

If you do have time to reflect back on your life and you realise a pattern that is not of God, whether it be sickness or death or marriage or even not being able to find a husband and you see this has happened in your family before; you seriously need to pray yourself and your family out of it and break the reoccuring generational curse. 

This is the scripture I lean on to keep me going when all seems gone/lost.

Phillipians 4:13 ( I can do all things through Christ who strenghthens me)



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